Beltane, or May Day, celebrates love, sensuality, and sexuality within the Pagan community. This...
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Atheopagan Solstice: Celebrating the Season Naturally
Atheopagans celebrate the winter season with rich, nature-based rituals free from theistic or...
What Is Atheopaganism and How Can It Transform Your Life?
Atheopaganism is a path that blends personal healing, wisdom, and celebration with a focus on...
Paganism vs. Satanism: The Truth Explained
Neo-Pagans reject the concept of Satan and do not worship evil. They focus on balance in nature...
A Chthonian Religion/Darkness
Neo-Pagans view darkness and death as natural parts of the life cycle, believing that rebirth...
Esoteric and Exoteric Ritual in Neo-Paganism
Neo-Pagan rituals operate on both exoteric and esoteric levels, offering individuals different...
Pagan Pornotopias: How Ancient Myths Shape Contemporary Erotic...
“Pornotopia” explores the connection between modern erotica and ancient Pagan influences, where...
Modern Pagan Views on LGBT People
Modern Paganism is a welcoming spiritual path for LGBT individuals, celebrating diversity, freedom...
The Sacred Cycle of Life and Death in Neo-Pagan Beliefs
In Neo-Paganism, death is seen not as something to fear, but as an essential part of life's sacred...
Religious Naturalism and Natural Religion
Naturalistic Paganism explores the tension between natural and supernatural beliefs within Paganism...